Tuesday, April 16, 2013

WOW!! Aspirin mask is phenomenal!!! A mask to fight against Acne !

A typical professional chemical peel will cost you anywhere from Rs 1500 - 2500/ depending on which one you go with and how deep you want to go. Today I am going to show you how to make your own at home (very mild) inexpensive salicylic peel using aspirin. This treatment is pretty awesome!The "Aspirin Mask" has been around forever, but give it a try by adding lemon juice to it. The lemon juice will give your skin a natural boost of vitamin C, further assisting in making this home treatment top notch.
Not every cause of acne is the same.Try to mix and match mask ingredients until you find the combination that works for you. Facial masks might not be a cure for every case of acne, but they will definitely improve the conditions of your skin. If the facial mask makes you uncomfortable – it is not for you. Make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. For better results use scrub before applying a mask (skip this step if you have inflamed or irritated skin or acute acne).
Aspirin Mask to Fight Acne, Redness and Swelling  Aspirin is over the counter drug that is used for different health conditions and to treat mild pain. Aspirin contains Salicylic Acid, also called Beta Hydroxyl Acid (BHA) that helps fight acne, redness and swelling. If I you use it in a form of a full-face mask you need 3-4 tablets of Aspirin (uncoated) but to apply to acne spots directly (with a Q-tip) you will need half a tablet only. Don’t forget to perform a test on a small hidden area of your skin. Apply to the face avoiding eye zone. Leave for 15 minutes then rinse.

The mask exfoliates skin and makes it more sensitive to sunlight. Make sure to apply SPF 30 or more when exposed to sunlight. Don’t use the mask more than once in 3-4 days for oily skin, and not more than once a week in all other cases. It doesn't give dramatic results quickly, but if you're patient and persistent, it does help, especially good to decrease redness and swelling associated with acne.

Ingredients:3-4 aspirin
1 lemon
Baking soda
Coffee cup, rolling pin or glass cup (to crush the aspirin)
Shallow dish


Depending on the amount of coverage needed, use 3-6 aspirin.
Crush the aspirin into small pieces by rolling a coffee cup, rolling pin or glass cup over them. Place aspirin in a dish.
Squeeze in the fresh lemon juice (about 1 tablespoon per 3 aspirin) and allow the aspirin to dissolve into a paste. If the aspirin is coated, it may take longer.
If you have dry skin, add a tablespoon or so of warm honey, moisturizer or a bit of oil (almond, olive or coconut works). Stir well. If you have oily skin, you can skip this part and add a few more drops of lemon instead.

Apply as a mask or spot treat the pimple or itchy area. Allow to dry.
Remove the mask with a warm, wet soft cloth dipped in baking soda.


Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Do not use if you are allergic to aspirin.
Do not use if you have Reyes syndrome.
Please use common sense when using this treatment. If it is burning or irritating your skin remove it immediately.

Always apply sunscreen after using any type of salicylic acid, since this will make you more sensitive to sun exposure.

Please note:
This does not replace a professional treatment, but it will help with minor breakouts and congestion of the skin. It will also help soften and brighten your skin. If you are experiencing severe acne please make an appointment with a licensed and qualified esthetician to have a skin consultation

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